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Crepe paper guide
In this guide, you’ll learn:
- How to choose the right paper for your project
- Where to buy crepe paper
- My color recommendations for the starter kit
Let me guess
You are full of enthusiasm to try to make those beautiful paper flowers from crepe paper that are so trendy right now.
And all the flowers that you see on the Internet are made of bright, juicy and varied paper, which keeps its shape perfectly and stretches very well.
But… “Where to buy such a paper?”
You’re asking for a reason, because it’s not for sale at a nearby craft store.
And I totally understand your question because I was in your place when I just started my paper flower business. I spent a lot of time searching the internet trying to figure out which paper to buy and where.
At first, all this is not easy to figure out, because crepe paper comes in different weights, different qualities, and from different manufacturers.
Eventually I figured it all out, but spent quite a lot of time and money. And I absolutely don’t want that for you.
That’s why I created this free guide (specially for paper flower makers) that will help you to get clear on crepe paper so you’re ready to create your amazing flowers.
Free tutorial
Crepe paper ready?
Be sure to check out my free step-by-step tutorial on how to make this large crepe paper flower!