2024 Christmas Decor Trends: What’s Hot This Holiday Season? – FancyBloom

2024 Christmas decor trends

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2024 Christmas Decor Trends: What's Hot This Holiday Season?

Preparing for the holiday season means it’s time to discover the hottest Christmas decor trends for 2024-2025!

These trends are already making their way into stores and are becoming more and more popular, indicating that they’ll stick around for the next few years for sure!

I get that some of you might not be into trends or don’t really care about them. But just like anything that’s popular, the stuff I’m talking about in this post is already showing up in stores.

If you shop at places like Hobby Lobby, Target, Home Goods, Ikea, Crate & Barrel, or anywhere else, you’re bound to see these things everywhere. So even if you think you’re not affected by trends, the truth is, we all are ;-), whether we realize it or not.

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Source: potterybarn.com

Also keep in mind that there are tons of trends out there, way more than I can cover in this post. But I’ve picked out the top 12 hottest ones for you, saving the biggest trend for last. So, make sure to stick around till the end!

Plus, there’s a surprising bonus trend that you probably won’t expect, but trust me, it’s gonna be big this year! So without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Top Trends in Christmas Home Decor

1. Christmas tree alternatives

The first trend I want to discuss is the increasing popularity of various Christmas tree alternatives.

Source: potterybarn.com

While traditional trees are always around, there’s a growing demand for unique options. Twig trees, birch trees, crystal, and beaded trees are becoming more and more popular.

Source: wayfair.com

These alternatives are a great option if you can’t have a regular tree, maybe because of pets, space issues, or just to avoid the hassle of decorating and cleaning up.

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Source: amazon.com

So, regardless of the reason, I believe these trees look whimsical and very stylish, and they can serve as standalone decorations or great additions to traditional Christmas decor in your home.

2. Alpine/downswept Christmas trees

The next trend also revolves around alternative Christmas trees, but unlike the previous ones, these are actual trees with needles. Specifically, I’m talking about alpine or downswept trees, which I’ve noticed are gaining popularity each year.

Source: Amazon

They often come in sets of 2 or 3, making it feel like you’ve brought a piece of real Scandinavian forest into your home. And while they typically come in smaller sizes, I think in a few years, we’ll start seeing full-sized downswept Christmas trees becoming more popular and showing up everywhere.

Source: wayfair.com

Christmas tree trends 2024

I personally adore how stylish and handsome these trees are!

3. Crafting a winter forest: multiple Christmas trees

And the next trend is sort of like an extension of the previous one – it’s all about not just having one Christmas tree, but creating a whole forest of many trees in different sizes.

Source: grandinroad.com

Multiple Christmas trees trend

Of course, you’ll need lots of space to pull it off, but it’s incredibly impressive and will give you the feeling of having a magical winter forest right in your own home.

4. Real touch greenery

Alright, the next trend that skyrocketed a few years back and shows no signs of slowing down (I’d say it’s here to stay) is the craze for real touch garlands, wreaths, and all things greenery.

Now, more and more stores are catching onto this trend, so this year, you’ll find plenty of options available everywhere. I’m talking about the “real touch” pine, cypress, and cedar.

Christmas trends 2024

Source: amazon.com

As the name suggests, these Christmas garlands and wreaths look and feel incredibly realistic and elegant. But unlike traditional garlands, they don’t have wire in the branches; they’re soft and have a natural droopy look. So, don’t expect to load them up with tons of ornaments and decorations.

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Christmas Decor Trends 2024 13.1

Some people really like the elegance of plain greenery, while others crave the sparkle and glitz that define Christmas for them. So, if you’re into the fancy decorations, remember that you need wire-based garlands and wreaths, which these natural-looking ones lack. So keep this factor in mind when making your selection.

5. Berry Decor

The next big trend also centers around garlands and wreaths, specifically the surge in popularity of berry decorations.

Source: potterybarn.com

I know that berries have always been a staple of Christmas decor, but in the past couple of years, they’ve really taken off.

You might remember the image of a fireplace decked out with a berry garland from Crate and Barrel in 2022. It went viral, inspiring tons of people to try and recreate the look. And now, the berry trend is bigger than ever.

You’ll find berry wreaths, garlands, sprays, and picks in every store, available in all sorts of colors and textures.

Christmas berry garlands ideas
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Christmas berry stems ideas

It’s funny to think that just three years ago, when I decorated my Christmas tree, I struggled to find branches with plenty of berries because they were not widely available. And just a year later, berries began appearing everywhere!

I’m not claiming to have predicted the trend, but it’s definitely a funny coincidence :-).

6. Holiday-themed throw pillows

Alright, the next trend is a huge one, and it’s all about holiday-themed pillows in various shapes and sizes.

Source: potterybarn.com

While in the past, you might have come across a couple of quirky pillows here and there, in recent years, retailers have really gone wild on this trend.

You’ll find pillows shaped like ornaments, Santas, gingerbread houses and men, candy canes, peppermint candies, snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees, and the list goes on and on.

Christmas pillows trend 2024

So, if you’re someone who wants to add an extra playful and cozy touch to your traditional Christmas decor, then this trend is definitely for you.

7. Chic paper decor

The next trend I’m definitely biased towards is, of course, the trend for using Christmas decorations made from paper.

Paper Christmas decor trend 2024

Source: westelm.com

I think you agree that back in the day, we mainly associated paper decor with kids’ crafts, like making paper chains or simple snowflakes.

However, these days, paper designs are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and paper decor has elevated to a whole new level, so you can now find it in some of the fanciest stores around.

Source: westelm.com

We’ll see a wide range of different-colored paper baubles, figurine ornaments, garlands, fans, and a lot of paper Christmas trees.

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If you’re someone who enjoys crafting your own Christmas decorations, be sure to check out my video where I show, step by step, how to make paper Christmas trees and paper angels, which are West Elm dupes.

Paper Christmas tree diy

They’re very easy to make, but turn out super chic looking, so I think you’ll really enjoy making them.

Plus, let’s not forget that paper decor is right at the forefront of sustainability. So there’s no doubt that this trend will continue to grow in the coming years and might even replace many of the traditional plastic options.

Trending Christmas Tree Themes

Next, we’ll dive into the hottest trends specifically related to Christmas tree themes and Christmas tree decorations.

8. Pinkmas 💗

One of the standout trends this year is the Pinkmas trend, featuring all shades of pink and Barbie-inspired colors!

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Source: razimports.com

It’s no longer just light or dark pink; we’ll see the entire pink color palette, from blush tones and pastels to richer shades like raspberry, fuchsia, purple, and burgundy. It’s all about the full tonal range of pink.

Pink Christmas decor trend 2024

So, if you’re ready to bring Pinkmas into your holiday decor, you can go all out with a pink Christmas theme or blend it with traditional golds, silvers, and whites. Either way, it’s going to look fresh, festive, and very romantic!

9. Holiday carnival

The next Christmas tree decor trend that has been gaining popularity for a few years and shows no signs of slowing down is the use of bright and vibrant, almost carnival-like colors.

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Source: Jim Marvin ornament collection

It’s a super fun, cheerful, and festive theme with an explosion of bright colors like teal, fuchsia, orange, blue, lime green, bright pink, and purple.

Christmas decor trends 2024

I see it as a more playful take on the classic rainbow palette. And I think If you dare to go for it, it’s guaranteed to bring big beaming smiles to everyone’s faces and make your holidays even more merry and bright!

It’s definitely a fun trend to try!

10. Candy wonderland 🍭

Another huge trend that always makes a comeback and never truly fades away is decorating with sweet treats of all kinds.

Gingerbread Christmas tree theme trend

We’re talking candy canes, gingerbread, cakes, and other yummy sweets that will decorate our Christmas trees this holiday season.

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The Gingerbread theme is going to be huge this year because it’s already popping up everywhere in stores. But the classic candy cane palette also remains very popular with its iconic red and white stripes and swirls.

Candy Christmas tree theme ideas

You’ll also find big lollipops, gumdrop ornaments, and baubles shaped like wrapped candies. So, you’ll have plenty of options to make your tree look super yummy and fun!

11. Woodland / Earthy and Rustic Christmas Theme

Alright! Are you ready for the biggest Christmas decor trend?

It’s a bit challenging to sum up in one word, so let’s call it a Woodland/Rustic/or Winter Lodge theme.

Rustic Christmas tree theme trend 2024

Source: potterybarn.com

This trend is all about creating a warm and cozy atmosphere. Expect to see lots of calming earthy and natural tones like warm browns and rust colors, mixed with wood and metal accents.

Rustic Christmas tree theme trend

You’ll find all the decorations inspired by nature, such as pine cones and mushrooms, winter sports motifs, as well as forest and mythical forest creatures like gnomes, snowy owls, foxes, deer, hedgehogs, and squirrels.

It’s all about that calming and soothing Scandinavian vibe and genuine connection to nature, like you’re snuggled up in a cabin deep in the woods, capturing the magic of winter.

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This year, you’ll find rustic ornament collections in all stores, but I predict they will sell out well before Christmas. So, if you like this theme, don’t wait too long—start your holiday shopping early!

12. Mushrooms 🍄

And as an extension of the previous trend, here’s the bonus trend I promised you that you might not expect: mushrooms will be one of the key trends!

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Source: razimports.com

Yes, you heard it right! The iconic symbol of autumn is making a crossover into Christmas, and it’s going to be everywhere this season.

Mushrooms Christmas decor ideas

We’ll see mushrooms in all colors and materials like wood, glass, paper, felt, and ceramic. So, no matter what your Christmas theme is this year, consider adding mushroom decorations if you want to stay on trend!

That’s a wrap on the biggest Christmas decor trends for 2024 and 2025!

I hope you found some inspiration to make your home festive and cozy this holiday season.

Which trend are you most excited to try out? Do you have any other favorite holiday decorating ideas? Share your thoughts in the comments below—I’d love to hear from you!

Happy decorating and Merry Christmas!

Hello and welcome to FancyBloom!

I’m Oksana and I love paper flowers and all things paper. Here at FancyBloom I design new flower templates, make paper flower tutorials, and share my ideas and inspiration for fancy and modern craft.

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